So I saved the hardest one for last, well at least the hardest one for me. I am not the poster child for fitness 5x a week and when my favorite online fitness and nutritional coach challenged us to 28 days no diary, gluten, added sugar, processed food, and alcohol (that is the only one I can easily omit). I actually laughed at my computer screen. That would mean 28 days without ice-cream and chocolate, 28 days without my favorite snacky foods- fruit snacks and granola bars. Sure I could replace all of those with healthier, no processed foods, but I can’t afford for my grocery bill to go up $50 or more to shop like that.
But all that being said, I am not terribly unhealthy, I eat fruits and vegetables daily, we don’t eat a lot of refined flour – my hubby doesn’t eat carbs and for the most part I eat three balanced meals a day. Most of my grocery list is fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats, so I think its ok to buy the more yummy, and probably less healthy snacks, just being honest. Exercise on the other hand kicks my butt. I hate being sweaty and am way too self-conscious to go to gym. I try to do Pilates at home, but since I hate to sweat I generally skip cardio day on the calendar (let me tell you big mistake!) I thought I was doing just fine with that arrangement… until my brother took us hiking while we were visiting them over Christmas. It was beautiful, but I struggled big time! I had no endurance, I guess I shouldn’t have skipped cardio! I gave up about 10 times, thankfully I started 11 times and so I made it to top, and I am so glad I did, just look at that view! But I was in rough shape huffing and puffing my way to the top, while my dad, brother and husband all looked cool as a cucumber. I guess there is something to be said for cardio day! I know exercise and diet are probably two of the biggest New Year’s Resolutions that Americans make each year! But they are also probably the quickest to be given up on. So this year we are not going to make them resolutions, we are going to make them goals. My fitness goal for 2017 is cardio (obviously)! Our New Year’s Resolution shouldn’t be crazy diets, or hard core work out plans. We have to start small and be realistic. I know that cross-fit isn’t for me, (hello sweating) so why would I start there? I am going start small, I can do cardio dance in the privacy of my own home! So that is where I am going to start! So I think this goal here should be balance: you can have ice cream and chocolate and all the good stuff as long as you also eat healthy as well! You don’t have to give anything up to make room for exercise in your schedule, start small, maybe it’s at home, maybe you and a friend agree to walk the neighborhood together a few times a week! But why do we need to live a healthy lifestyle! Well besides the idea that regular healthy diet and exercise is an obvious path to wellness, diet and exercise can reduce mental health problems especially anxiety and depression. Has anyone watched Legally Blonde? Remember, “EXERCISE GIVES YOU ENDORPHINS; ENDORPHINS MAKE YOU HAPPY” Elle Woods knew what she was talking about! Happy people are less anxious and less depressed. I am not a dietician, but from having worked with families and individuals in my time counseling, I have noticed that diet can play a huge part in mood and affect. Also having a healthy diet, and knowing you are consuming food that is good for you can increase sense of self-worth and self-esteem! Making decisions that you know are good for you will make you feel better about yourself. The same is true of exercise. Even if you don’t see immediate results, you will feel better about yourself for having done something that is a good for you! As we finish the wellness series today as we move out of the first month of 2017 already! In writing all of these posts and making goals for myself in all these areas and am hoping that 2017 will be the best year yet! It is already shaping up to be a really great year! I hope this Wellness Challenge has been as inspiring for you as it was for me! And my final hope for you is that you can make good on your goals! Take time every few months and evaluate where you are, and if you aren’t where you want to be, don’t get yourself down, just figure out what you need to do to get back on track. How are you going to make 2017 your healthiest year yet? Did you enjoy the wellness challenge? Let me know in the comments! Find weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4 here for challenges for your marriage, mental wellness, making friends, and living simply!
1/30/2017 11:22:19 pm
Fitness challenge combined with your other weeks is probably just what I need. I have some holiday weight to lose. 😏
Grace Lipscomb
1/31/2017 06:23:41 am
You can totally do it! I think the other weeks are just as important to loosing weight because being stressed causes us to keep weight on and gain more!!
Grace Lipscomb
1/31/2017 07:21:19 am
awesome! I hope it goes well for you!
1/31/2017 10:07:31 am
Awesome goals! I hope all goes well for you and that you see the good results you want in 2017.
Grace Lipscomb
1/31/2017 10:09:38 am
thanks Mimi!
1/31/2017 10:19:47 am
I am so bad about the exercise piece. These are awesome goals, though. : )
Grace Lipscomb
1/31/2017 10:21:37 am
Grace Lipscomb
1/31/2017 11:54:06 am
2/2/2017 09:46:27 am
I totally agree with that! Your mindset is so important when it comes to setting health and fitness related goals. You must love yourself first because getting healthy or getting fit won't magically change the way that you see yourself. Try and change your body so that you can be the best, strongest, version of yourself
1/31/2017 03:56:34 pm
I know I always feel better after I exercise, I've just gotten out of the habit. Trying to get moving again
Grace Lipscomb
1/31/2017 03:58:10 pm
making it a habit is so important! I have never gotten to the point where I feel guilty or disappointed for missing a work out to help motivate me to be consistent!
Grace Lipscomb
2/1/2017 06:08:27 pm
Yes! I like low impact work outs like yoga and pilates! I hate being sweaty!!
2/2/2017 07:16:34 am
I love the idea of eating healthy but also allowing yourself some goodies every once in a while - that's how I've decided to handle my healthy eating resolution!
Grace Lipscomb
2/2/2017 07:22:17 am
I've noticed that when I deprive myself of those I crave them so bad and then I eat way more of it when I give in! I definitely feel like I eat better when I just moderate the treats I eat instead of banning them from my diet. I could probably be considered a sugar addict!
Grace Lipscomb
2/2/2017 07:27:46 am
2/2/2017 07:29:22 am
Wow. Such an amazing article to read. I now feel motivated to start my exercise routines. 😁
Grace Lipscomb
2/2/2017 07:31:57 am
Grace Lipscomb
2/2/2017 08:25:24 am
Grace Lipscomb
2/2/2017 09:08:41 am
I try to exercise inside so that I can't use weather as an excuses! Also down here in the south it's just too hot to get outside In the summer!! I don't like it either so I had to shift the way I thought about it! doing it because I love my body and want it to be in the best shape instead of wanting to change my body!
Grace Lipscomb
2/2/2017 01:34:44 pm
Legally Blonde is one of my favorites! I use that quote as often as possible! so glad you loved it!
Grace Lipscomb
2/2/2017 04:29:06 pm
Hi there! I think you and I are opposites; I love my cardio but hate anything else, and you love Pilates but hate cardio! Both are almost equally beneficial, I feel, but whatever we don't like might fall to the wayside a little bit.
2/2/2017 09:26:18 pm
Good for you. Living healthy can be such a challenge today. There are so many forces that want to sell you things that are so unhealthy. Thanks for the inspiration.
Grace Lipscomb
2/2/2017 09:27:51 pm
Yes!! it can be so hard! I am a junk food junkie! In order to not get caught up i have to be careful to not buy them at the store! I'm glad you find it inspirational!
2/3/2017 11:05:00 pm
I love your motivation. Keep up the great work here and live unstoppable!
Grace Lipscomb
2/4/2017 07:44:27 am
thanks Rhonda!
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